Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ishues and What I Think

The Bailout… Will it Work?

The bailouts of banks and GM were and still are very controversial issues. GM an automotive industry was going to have file for bankruptcy unless they got help from the government. The government felt that they didn’t want this business to go have to close its doors and take jobs away from Americans. So they basically gave a lone to GM so that they could try to get back on their feet. Banks had to be bailed out because they could give out loans to high risks. If the person defaulted on their loan then the bank wouldn’t be responsible, they could just pass the problem onto the next person. But the banks made to many bad loans and too many people lived beyond their means. The houses lost value and the economy feel. Lots of banks would have to close their doors like GM if they didn’t get some help. So the government gave them money. It’s still debated on whether or not the Bailouts will work or not. Many argue that it has, because unemployment is down. I think that even if the unemployment shows improvement the bailouts still won’t and haven’t worked, because they haven’t corrected the original problem. They just pushed money at the problem. In or market businesses failing are all part of the process. The fit survive.

Hate Speech on the Internet Should Be Regulated

Racism and hate has been a huge issue throughout the history of the world. Wars have been fought because of hatred for another race. There are still people and cultures like this today. Their ways have grown with the improvement of technology. They now have webpages and blogs dedicated to these beliefs. The internet has become a safe place for many of these people to go and spout their hatred. They can find likeminded individuals and spread their evil throughout the world. Many people do not agree with what they say and they believe that they don’t have the right to spread such hate. Many are calling for hate speech to be regulated over the internet. I believe that although what they say on the internet is distasteful and I wish that it wasn’t available on the internet I do not agree with hate speech being regulated. Law enforcement is having a hard enough time trying to regulate piracy; it’s unrealistic to expect them to stop hate speech. Not only is it unrealistic but it infringes on their free speech right.

Thou Shalt not say Jesus: do elementary school students have free-speech rights?

Some public school officials, in hope of not crossing the boundary between church and state, have prohibited elementary students from distributing things with religious messages. According to several parents and students, starting in 2001 school district officials began refusing to allow elementary school students to distribute material that has religious beliefs on them to their classmates. At a party, an elementary school principal, Lynn Swanson, confiscated a student's goody bags because it included a pencil with "Jesus Is the Reason for the Season." At another party, Swanson and other school officials took away a student's gift bags because they contained candy cane-shaped pens with an attached card explaining the religious origins of candy canes. Swanson also forbade students from writing "Merry Christmas" on cards sent to retirement homes. Though the schools where trying to not cross the boundary between church and state they crossed another one everyone far more protective of, freedom of speech.

Work Cited

Gupta, Praveen. "The Bailout...Will it Work?" Quality 48.4 (2009): 18-. ABI/INFORM Complete. Web. 27 Oct. 2011.

Eissens, Ronald. "Hate Speech on the Internet Should Be Regulated" Civil Liberties. Roman Espejo, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints Series. Greenhaven Press, 2009. Web. 27 Oct. 2011.

Derthick, Martha, and Joshua Dunn. "Thou Shalt not say Jesus: do elementary school students have free-speech rights?" Education Next 11.3 (2011): 9. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 27 Oct. 2011.

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