Thursday, October 6, 2011

This Blog be Edited to its Full Extent

My blog can be read but I think that the white text with a blackish gray background doesn’t pop as much as it could. The blog posts need to be posted with similar outlines. The blog is very colorful and represents me as an individual but I am not sure it is appropriate for College. If the design is only supposed to be based upon only academics then it could be improved upon. But I think that the blog is also supposed to represent us as an individual, writer, and student. The background I choice for my blog could be considered unprofessional but I don’t believe writing is a strict business suit wear being.

Writing, at least for me, is about being creative. Not hiding behind the stiff collars that threaten to strangle you but expressing your colorful bright self. I consider writing to be a form of art. The background of my blog portrays this view perfectly. The design layout could be tweaked a little. Move the toolbar to the left hand side instead of the right. The posts need a more consistent look along with the words having a pop to them. I think the color of the text should be changed to a brighter color that will stand out more, make it feel more artistic. The font of the blogs should be professional because this is a blog for a class not my personal journal. This blog should have a clean consistent look but bright and artistically creative looking at the same time.

I made my blog easier to read by changing the page text color from an off white to a white. I also decided to make the titles of posts and the title of the blog stand out by changing the color to an apply green that shows up nicely on the transparent black. I also changed the font of the titles to cherry soda. It is not a formal font but I felt it was appropriate because of the artistic background. The page text font was also changed to Arial which is a more formal font but I didn’t want the blog to look like a formal paper, where you write in Times New Roman. It’s still formal but not research paper formal.

I moved the side bar from the right to the left. I felt that because this is a blog, a form of social networking, that it would be appropriate to move it to the other side. The most commonly known networking sight is Facebook. They have a navigation bar on the left and advertisements on the right. I took a web page design class, I was taught what is normal and what looks professional. I created a website for FBLA that won eighth place in the nation. I took some of my design ideas from I Need Work SHS and applied them to this. Through my bright colors and a more formal lay out I am trying to create a professional yet fun artistic look.

I also broke up my hold posts into smaller paragraph so it was easier to read. I then made the transparent grayish space smaller giving it a more of a newspaper feel. I also added a couple of tools the tool bar. I added a search bar for easy search and I also added a photo of myself on Graduation day. This was the beginning and end of my academic career.

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